Case Studies

The Benefits of Drip Irrigation: Maximising Water Efficiency and Crop Yield
Exploring the Benefits of Drip Irrigation
Since the 1960s, drip irrigation systems have revolutionised how agriculturalists water their plants and produce. These systems are popular in both ag...

Pivot Irrigation Optimising Water Management
Exploring the Benefits of Pivot Irrigation
In agriculture, optimising water efficiency is essential for minimising water expenses and maximising crop yields. Due to its innovative technology, pivot...

Measuring and Managing Water Levels
Liquid Level Sensor and Water Level Measurement Solution
To effectively manage water supply you need to be able to measure it. Measuring levels in wells, elevated tanks or remote locations is time...

Top 9 Things to Consider When Purchasing Solar Water Pumps
Solar water pumps have become part of everyday life for many farmers. These pumps are a revolutionary addition to agribusiness, providing an efficient and eco-friendly way to collect water from riv...

A Complete Guide to Solar Pumps For Farms
Solar water pumps help farmers save money and time while allowing them to operate more sustainable farming practices. Solar pumps are powered by sunlight and can be used to irrigate crops and provi...

4 Ways LORENTZ Helps Fruit and Vegetable Growers Become More Sustainable
How can Australian fruit and vegetable growers achieve greater sustainability by using LORENTZ solar pumps for irrigation, while increasing their yield and maintaining a competitive advantage in th...

5 Ways Cattle Stations Benefit From Solar Pumps
How have large cattle station managers benefited from using LORENTZ Solar Pumps for their stock water operation this year?
Having a reliable supply of fresh water doesn’t just help managers bet...

How Much Does a Solar Pump Cost?
How much does a Solar Pump cost?
Solar Pumps are an effective, quality choice for pumping water for the Australian agriculture industry. Without reliance on electricity or fuel, they can be used to...

Why You Need to Replace Your Diesel Pump With a Solar Pump
When the solar power industry revolutionised our agricultural sector, many farmers began to move away from diesel-fueled water pumps. Why? Because they had the foresight to see that using alternati...